Delta Jaya Internasional Company is one of the most common
growing Indonesia supply, engineering design, project design, drafting
services, steel fabrication, general machining, blasting & painting, transportation, development and consulting company for the oil and gas
QHSE geothermal, mining
and general industry. Delta Jaya International Company beginning of a CV Delta Jaya Mandiri was established in 1997 and in 2012 has
become a leading company in
Delta Jaya Internasional Company has been through many challenges and difficulties both technical infrastructure and requires special skills and expertise.
Now Delta Jaya International have 12 Health Workers Trained.
Delta Jaya
Internasional Company had gone through many challenges and
difficulties either infrastructural or technical that requiring special skill
and expertise.
Now Delta
Jaya Internasional have 12 Skilled Personnel
In the implementation of its Quality. Occupational
Health, Safety, & Environmental (QHSE) Policy, Delta Jaya Internasional complies with the recruitment of ISO 9001,
OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001. The recruitment control all Delta Jaya International
key business process.
1 komentar:
Up : Finance HRD
Contak :081318860902/085774707555
Perihal : Penawaran Penerbitan Bank Garansi & Surety Bond
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Terlebih dahulu dalam kesempatan ini perkenankan kami untuk menawarkan proposal penawaran bonding bank guarantee & surety bond untuk penjaminan proyek baik konstruksi / non konstruksi Dan Kami Juga Bisa Bantu Penerbitan Sp2d Akhir Tahun .
Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
N/b : - Kami Juga Bisa Membantu Penerbitan Bank Garansi &
Surety Bond Untuk Perusahaan Berdomisili Di Luar
Thomas Radofa Putra
contact Person : 0813 1886 0902
Jl. Nangka No.20 Utan Kayu, Kec. Matraman - Jakarta Timur
Telp. (021) 2962 1873
Fax. (021) 2962 1878
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